The Best Kind of Problem to Have: You've Reached Your Health Goals - Now What?
I've been working out for decades but suddenly rediscovered my enthusiasm after setting a goal of participating in a fitness competition. This realization gave me an idea for a blog post.
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"I’m So Burned Out, But If I Don’t Keep Working I Can’t Pay My Bills"
I've been involved in researching burnout since medical school and use that research to make my own day-to-day better. Let me share those findings and words of wisdom from Scott Galloway.
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(Reader Request) When Flexibility Isn't Just a Party Trick: A Physician's Complete(ish) Guide to Hypermobility Disorders
When I see a new a patient with a lifetime of nonspecific aches and pains I screen for hypermobility. Unfortunately, this is an area where medical knowledge is both lacking and quickly evolving.
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(Reader request) Migraines: Your Guide to Living Well Despite the Unwanted Party in Your Brain
Migraines can be debilitating. We've collected insights and remedies here- no case studies, wandering preambles, or overused AI images. There are a few puns though; I'm only human.
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Prehab: Your Roadmap to a Brighter, Healthier Future
An intro to prehabilitation: a multidisciplinary approach that helps patients prepare for and improve outcomes of medical procedures by optimizing exercise, lifestyle, and neuropsychiatric factors.
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