If I Vanish Under Mysterious Circumstances, It's Because My Wife Finally Had Enough...

As we wrap up the production of Healing in Advance, my mind's wanderlust has settled on a new area... Winning in Advance.
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March 10, 2025

It's no secret that I've really come to enjoy writing. Whether you like my writing style or not, you've got to admit I don't seem to know when to quit.

  • Is it because I'm looking for ways to get out of doing housework? 
  • Is it because the world of insurance based medicine is slowly driving me and my colleagues a little mad?
  • Is it because the slow march of time is picking up, and I have a pathologic fear of fading into obscurity and want to leave a lasting legacy?

Nope, I just really enjoy writing, actually, and I've got a bit more to say. It really is that simple....though, maybe that last one has a kernel of truth.

I wanted to tease the reason why blog posts may be less frequent than I would like but also offer a solution!

As we've mentioned elsewhere, Admire Medical is taking our expertise in metabolic, fitness, and general wellness medicine and applying it to a unique population. We've worked with countless individuals to reverse metabolic disease and provide a future free of uncontrolled diabetes, pain, insomnia, and hormonal disorders. So, what happens when we take those same techniques and apply them a bit further along the fitness spectrum? This was the premise behind our newer "performance medicine" focus, and Lauren's and my recent competitive streak. We did pretty well for ourselves in the DEKA competition with only a few weeks of training time. Now, we have a 9k in April and the Barbell Brothers' sponsored powerlifting competition in May to prove that not only do we practice what we preach in general but also prove that the program at Admire can get anyone ready for anything.

I said we did well. I did NOT say we (I) looked pretty doing it...

Ok, from where is my new marital turbulence derived? Well, it only makes sense to put some of the concepts we utilize on paper... or, many papers.

Bound together.

In a second book.

...to establish Healing in Advance: Your Prehabilitation Handbook as the first in a series! Winning in Advance: Your High Performance Handbook is already more than just a twinkle in my laptop's eye; it's an 18 chapter draft, with topics including "The Performance Prehabilitation Mindset" (connecting prehab to performance medicine), "The Physiology of Elite Performance," "Tissue Resilience Engineering" (injury-proofing your body), "Hormonal Optimization," as well as chapters about pharmacology, peptide therapies, cognitive performance training, sleep/recovery, and more.

To tease this out, I will be putting together posts diving into topics from Healing in Advance at first, and as the draft of Winning comes together, we'll put some blog posts together with those exciting topics.

To repeat my famous last words before starting the first book, "This will be fun!"

Be well, and aim a little higher.

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